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  • Travellers

    Producer: “Ok, guys, I’ve had the greatest idea for our new film. So I was watching Fight Club, right, and then I saw Big Fat Gypsy Weddings with the missus, and then I saw Mega Shark versus Giant Octopus. And what did I come up with? Only City boys versus gypos in a countryside war. GET IN.”

  • Cheat Sheet: Jean-Pierre Jeunet

    Of the 598 French directors listed on Wikipedia, Jean-Pierre Jeunet is one of the few you’re more or less guaranteed to have heard of – you might not have bothered with Delicatessen, but everyone remembers that nice film with the orgasm sequence and the girl from The Da Vinci Code, don’t they? If that’s as much as you know then it’s time to fill in the gaps, and if you’re thinking “what orgasm sequence?” then there’s no time to lose – get Cheat Sheeting.

  • The 15 Best Film Props

    Though they may be loathed by sixth formers attempting their always-boring ‘minimalist’ plays, props are undoubtedly the bread and butter of popular film. A chance for character development, plot development, or simple comedic value, props can provide allegory and nuance in a way that Hayden Christensen, say, cannot. Here we give a rundown on film’s most memorable props, from the Star Wars light sabre to Herbie the VW Beetle.

  • WIN: 5 x Cuckoo on DVD!

    Cuckoo is a creepy, claustrophic thriller with rave reviews starring Richard E. Grant as a professor who wants his employee Polly and will do anything to get her. We have 5 DVDs – count em – to give away! Competition ends 16 March 2011