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  • Film adaptations 2011: Our wish-list

    Some books – anything by Roald Dahl, DIY safety manuals, Katie And Peter: The Sweet Release Of Death – were never meant for the transition to the big screen. And we salute them for that – heck, Katie and Peter are far too camera-shy anyway, bless them. But some literary classics are just crying out for a blockbusting re-vamp, and like Gok Wan to a nation of slop-shouldered, emotionally fragile women, we are here to loudly point at what needs to go where.

  • Save our Independent Cinemas! This week: the Rich Mix

    For those that are tired of lining the pockets of faceless, charmless McCinemas, and perhaps would like to watch a movie with other film-lovers – as opposed to throngs of yammering, popcorn-chucking oiks – then an independent cinema is the option you need to be poking your nose into. The UK has a proud history of these fine establishments, but they’re under threat from the evil corporate monsters that shall not be named. This week we look at the Rich Mix in Shoreditch.

  • Forget Me Not

    Take a stroll through London with Tom and Eve, two star-crossed young hipsters trying to make sense of their messed up lives, finding solace and comfort in each other’s conversation. Or rather, don’t. In fact, do anything else rather than watch this deeply underwhelming love story.

  • Romantic quotes from films – The reckoning

    Romantic films are the scourge of all that is good and true. But imagine if you could appropriate the romantic, cinematic charisma of XXX or the wit of YYY for your VERY OWN. Osmose our romantic quotes from films into your heart and out of your cheatin’ mouth come Valentine’s Day, and you’re made in the shade. You don’t even have to subject yourself to a rom-com to do it…