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  • Age of the Dragons

    What could Moby Dick do with less of, I hear you ask. Whales? And more dragons? Well never fear, because Ryan Little’s cruddy adaptation of the novel, starring Vinnie Jones, provides all that and more.

  • The Dilemma of Selling Out

    As a rule, sellout films usually contain a colon and/or a number. We’re looking at you, Speed 2: Cruise Control. Yet, the definition of a ‘sellout’ is tricky, because producers are very good at making shit smell like roses, and before you know it you’re on the set of National Treasure: Book of Secrets. When you see a film and think, ‘what the devil is Globey McOscar doing in this?!’ we’ve got the three reasons behind their decision to sell their soul.

  • Good films for Valentine’s Day (how to trick your lover into watching one)

    Are you going to be forced to watch something insipid, dreadful and probably excessively Katherine Heigl-based this Valentine’s Day? Stretching your grimacing muscles in preparation for the inevitable “run to the airport/run to the wedding/run to where they’re trying on clothes” scene? Fear not! We’ve come up with a foolproof strategy to get you watching absolute classics this V-day. Read on, oh those who fear the pink DVD box…

  • Future of 3D films

    What is the future of 3D films? Avatar made the water 3D, then blew everything out of it. Tron: Legacy, whilst being undeniably rubbish, made $44 million in its opening weekend in the US alone, and the list of franchises to have secured box office success continues to grow. So is the future of 3D films secure, or is this a pretty 3D flash in an otherwise 2D pan?

  • Henry’s Crime

    Henry’s Crime is a film about robbery, redemption, love and Chekov. Not as highbrow as it sounds, Keanu Reeves stars in this new dramatic comedy about a man wrongfully imprisoned who decided to commit the crime for which he served the time, aided and abetted by James Caan and Vera Farmiga