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  • Top 10 Best Character Meltdowns

    In real life as much as in film, the experience of watching someone spectacularly break down is as compelling as it is awkward. Our intrepid blogger Cal has scoured the length and breadth of YouTube to bring you some of the most painful, absurd and Nazi-themed character meltdowns in cinema, from Jim Carrey’s umbrella-behatted rant to Al Pacino’s bug-eyed “GREAT ASS!” moment.

  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1

    It All Ends Here. Almost. As the decade-spanning juggernaut that is the Harry Potter film franchise rumbles ponderously towards that massively unsatisfying last chapter, we skipped the queues for a preview of what we expected to be a film reminiscent of its predecessors – pretty, but ultimately as disappointing as pulling Neville’s broom keys out of a bowl at a wizarding swingers’ party. We were wrong. If Part 2 is this good, the last two films may just vindicate the entire series.