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  • Martyrs

    Rec, The Ring, Let The Right One In, the list goes on. Foreign horror films always seem to know how to get the adrenaline going and the new French sick flick Martyrs is no exception. The film is based around Lucie, an abused orphan (this is the first clue that the film is going to be uncomfortable viewing) who, along with her childhood friend Anna look for revenge on her past tormentors. The tormentors seem to be, on the outside, a regular suburban couple and you start to think Lucie has made a mistake. Lucie kills the couple and their children as well as her taking her own life, leaving Anna behind.

  • Kick-Ass

    Enter the next generation of comic-book movies. Kick-Ass is truly a brilliant and original take on a sorely overdone franchise, but if you’re looking for a laugh-a-minute flick you’ve come to the wrong place. Kick-Ass is not for the faint of heart, with humour as black as coal and violence to rival the goriest of horrors. However, it could be that it’s all the better for its darkness. Though its pretty impossible to avoid the hundreds of stars thrown in Kick-Ass’s direction, we tried our very hardest to come to it with an open mind. And we’re glad we did.

  • ID4 back for more?

    So it turns out that, contrary to common belief, the world wasn’t entirely obliterated by alien attacks fourteen years ago. If the rumours emanating from Hollywood are believed to be true, it looks like Will Smith will be reprising the role of Captain Steven Hiller not once, but twice, as 20th Century Fox prepare to announce the sequels to 1996’s Independence Day.

  • Fish Tank

    An undeniably bleak snapshot of adolescence in ‘Broken Britain’, the critically acclaimed and BAFTA award-winning Fish Tank is a thoroughly captivating experience from start to finish. Centred upon the character of Mia Williams, Fish Tank offers much more than the usual gritty portrayal of teenage life in urban Britain.

  • Perrier’s Bounty

    Foul-mouthed and gleefully violent, Perrier’s Bounty is an edgy black comedy about one man’s turbulent journey through the lawless streets of Dublin. Scripted by award-winning playwright Mark O’Rowe (Intermission, Boy A) and punctuated with scenes of torture, Ian Fitzgibbon’s film is not for the faint of heart or easily offended. Animal lovers will certainly have to avert their eyes when a pair of beloved dogs suffer an inglorious fate at the hands of the eponymous gangster.

  • Godzilla Back On Our Screens In 2012

    It’s been reported that Legendary Pictures – the company behind The Dark Knight and 300 -will be creating a new Godzilla flick, having reached a deal with rights owners Toho. The last time the scaly beast raised its infamous head was in 1998, in a fairly horrendous film by Roland Emmerich. However, it could be that the guys behind The Dark Knight have a bit more to offer. They’re certainly no strangers to creepy city shots and shadowy midnight battles.

  • How To Train Your Dragon

    Finally, a kids film that deserves its 3D pricetag. Since Avatar, we’ve seen a lot of gratuitous 3D labels being slapped on films that didn’t need it, purely to hike up the cost of the tickets. Even watching the hallowed Up – as beautiful as it was -we never really thought those pesky glasses added much. However, with How To Train Your Dragon, Dreamworks have created a truly stunning piece of 3D film; immersive, beautiful and gorgeously rich. The story may be a little run of the mill, but the overall experience make this film a must-see for kids and big kids everywhere.

  • Hobbit Filming Delayed… Again

    Sir Ian, how could you bamboozle us so? Last week we reported that filming of The Hobbit would finally be getting underway around July, based on a confident assertion by the wizard with the mostest. It seems that Gandalf’s powers are waning however, as today it’s been reported that filming won’t be starting until the end of the year. And possibly not even then. Sigh.

  • Jolie To Play Maleficent?

    Last week we reported that there’s a new Disney film in the works, a re-telling of Sleeping Beauty from the wicked witch’s POV. There was no name attached to the big bad part of Maleficent at the time, but it could be that the Queen of Hollywood herself, Angelina Jolie, might step up to play the role.

  • 3D Cinema Will Cost Us More

    It turns out that what we’ve all been worried about is pretty much true. According to a report by a Wall Street media analyst, we should expect price hikes of as much as 26% ahead of the release of How to Train Your Dragon, which opens in 3D around the US on Friday. Depressing stuff.