Articles Posted in the " Noomi Rapace " Category

  • The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets’ Nest

    So the saga of Lisbeth Salander is finally drawing to a close, and it’s time to find out if Noomi Rapace’s steely gaze can overpower the collective dribblings of The Bad Men. Suffering from the same inherent plot problems as part two (The Girl Who Played With Fire), The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets’ Nest never quite manages to recreate the satisfying arc of the universally acclaimed part one – The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. Still, this is sleek and sophisticated film-making with a refreshing “anti-blockbuster” feel, it’s just a shame the story doesn’t quite suit the medium.

  • More UK Film Events This November

    Are you worried that November might well end up as the lame month the calendar Gods intended it to be? Do you sit around doing nothing but contemplating the terrible event Christmas shopping will turn out to be? Well I can’t technically help you with any of that. What I can do though is provide you with the awesomeness that is the latest Film Festivals from around the UK!

  • The Girl Who Played With Fire

    Part-Two-Of-Three syndrome can be tricky. The poor film often comes off like a not-so-glamourous assistant – the one putting in all the leg-work so that the big finish, when it comes, is devastatingly impressive. However, trilogies like LOTR, Back To The Future, Star Wars and Toy Story have all proven that the middle child can shine in their own right. So can any excuses by made for The Girl Who Played With Fire?

  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo: DVD Review

    If I had a pound for every person I saw reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo on the train this month I’d be rich. Well, I’d be able to afford a first class ticket anyways and not have to stand in the corridor having my faced pressed against book covers bearing the tattooed back of a naked girl. Without a doubt, Stieg Larsson’s Millennium Trilogy has captured the world’s imagination, with Oplev’s adaptation of the first book, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo becoming the most watched film in its native Sweden. So what is all the fuss about? In a word, Lisbeth.

  • The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

    For the second time in as many years, Scandinavian cinema comes up trumps with a stylish and invigorating thriller guaranteed to have audiences teetering excitedly on the edge of their seats. In 2009, we were spellbound by the coming of age story Let The Right One In (Lat Den Ratte Komma In), which put a refreshing yet bloodthirsty new spin on the vampire legend. Now director Neils Arden Oplev introduces a memorably unconventional heroine in The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo .