Articles Posted in the " Johnny Depp " Category

  • The Tourist

    Jolie and Depp pur in good performances in an otherwise by-the-numbers thriller, but the spectacular setting and great cast are unfortunatly unable to save this film from mediocrity.

  • Guy Fawkes Movies: 5 films we demand to see

    Hurrah for the bloody goriness that is Guy Fawkes day! A proud, dastardly time indeed in our national history, and a great excuse to give children some fire to mess around with. So considering the film world is usually so ready and willing to hijack our most exciting tales, our question is, where are the films to accompany Bonfire Night?

  • Pirate Intruders Tackled Before They Get To Depp

    We all have our foibles. Some of us chew with our mouths open, for instance. But we can work it out – just CLOSE IT! But there are some of us who act on their weaknesses. Like the two fellas who had a yearning to be near Johnny Depp so much that they attempted to break into his trailer. In full pirate get-up.

  • Iggy Pop Biopic Cancelled

    Iggy Pop. You may know him as the lead singer of The Stooges, David Bowies’s Berlin boy, or the rather frightening topless puppet from the swiftcover car insurance adverts. What a life he’s had! Which makes it all the more of a shame that he has now pulled the plug on a film biopic. Why, Iggy, why?

  • Captain Jack Sparrow visits “budding young pirates”

    Long ago, no one wanted pirates on land. All they did was cause trouble, stealing your silver and seducing your girlfriend. So who, in the name of the Jolly Roger, allowed a pirate into a primary school? Captain Jack Sparrow can claim he was invited all he wants, but I know his plan. To entice all the school children into joining his pirate crew so that he can become the greatest plunderer on the Seven Seas.