Articles Posted by the Author

  • Why Alpha And Omega Makes Me Want To Hurt Things

    Alpha And Omega is the new CGI family 3D film offering from Lionsgate. And. Well. In short, it’s the worst thing ever. It’s awful. It was so bad that it filled me with an irrational rage of such strength that four cheese sandwiches and an episode of Black Books later, my eyes remained un-glazed and full of knives. There is, I realised, only one way to rid myself of this sudden and frightening anger: I have to tell the world.

  • Lindsay Lohan is released

    Ahh… we love the smell of justice evasion in the morning. After serving 2 weeks of a 90 day sentence, Lindsay Lohan has been released from prison, and is expected to start a rehab program as soon as possible. And when we say “rehab program”, we probably mean “a couple of days worth of saying sorry and drinking ribena”.

  • Brits to storm Toronto Film Festival

    Hurrah for us Brits! According to this year’s Toronto Film Festival line-up we’ve got a lot to look forward to in terms of British cinema, with 12 Brit entrants making it into the official selection. Interestingly enough, 8 out the 12 – yep, that’s two thirds – are backed and supported by the UK Film Council (which is why you should sign the official petition to save it here).

  • Rihanna to star in Battleships: The Movie

    We’re not totally sure we can get our heads around this, so bear with us. R&B princess Rihanna has announced that she will star in an adaptation of the board game Battleships, opposite Alexander Skarsgaard of True Blood. And you think that’s weird enough? You aint heard nothing yet…

  • Lindsay Lohan could be free in 11 days

    Isn’t justice marvelous? It’s good to know that we live in a world that how sinful you are directly correlates to how famous you’ve become. I mean, yeah sure Roman Polanski raped a 13 year old, but he made all those films! He can’t go to jail! And yes, Lindsay Lohan has been convicted in a court of law, but come on, she was in Mean Girls! She doesn’t belong in the clink!

  • New Avatar trailer… somehow.

    You know what we didn’t hear enough about? That Pocahontus film about the blue people, what was it called again? The director made quite a famous film about some boat back in the day, erm… oh dear… Avatar! That’s it! Such a shame that slipped so low under the international radar, eh? Fortunately for us though, it’s getting re-released! No, really.

  • Leap Year: DVD Review

    You know Ireland? That place where everyone dresses in green, the only drink available is Guiness, everyone is very sure (to be sure, to be sure), and where if you look a flame-headed man in the eye, you’re libel fer a beatin? No, us neither. As that place exists only in the minds of cigar-toting, fleshy eyed Hollywood executives. And now, also in Leap Year. Hoi ti toy ti toy.