Elijah Wood’s Open Windows unveils first poster

While we’re nevertheless thrilled that Elijah Wood has taken to starring in racier, scarier films recently – like highly-anticipated stalker-horror Maniac – his latest “sexual thriller” begs the question; why all the body-orientated thrillers, Eli? Open Windows will see Wood’s character obsessed with a female actress and on a desperate search to find her after she is abducted by some awful villain-type. But that’s not all. The film is set to “develop in real time, delivering 90 minutes of suspense in a tense, fast-paced, high-tech thriller with action and terror, updating the key elements of 70s paranoid thrillers through today’s computer and online environment,” – so a lot of complicated structuring and social media commenting, probs.
Check out the first poster and click to enlarge!
Not only do we get to see Elijah Wood’s face like, 6 times in the poster, but co-star Sasha Grey (you may know her from such films as This Ain’t Star Trek XXX or Deep Throat This 44) shows off a little bit of side boob. Eek! With all this body flaunting going on, it’ll be hard to get used to Elijah’s cute little face popping up all innocently in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.
What was that? Hobbit? Sexual predator? Middle-aged man going through puberty? Tick tick tick. Oh, we’ll explain that last one…
Elijah Wood, now famously known for his brand spanking (spanking!) new independent genre production company, will also be starring in Late Bloomer, based on the real-life memoir about a 30-year-old who goes through puberty in a matter of weeks. Er, what and why? Because after discovering a condition that stops his body from going through puberty, Elijah Wood’s character has a procedure to remove it and hey presto! His balls drop and his voice deepens. Finally.
Open Windows is the first English language picture from Spanish director Nacho Vigalondo, who directs a short film in The ABCs of Death. See Elijah Wood first in Maniac, out March 15 (which we’re REALLY excited about) and naturally, in the new The Hobbit, due out next year.
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