Man Of Steel 2 casting rumour: Mark Strong as Lex?

Man Of Steel 2 has been fast-tracked, already having signed on Man Of Steel‘s director Zack Snyder and writer David S. Goyer for a quick production schedule starting in 2014. The plot is almost guaranteed to revolve around Lex Luthor (you just can’t get away from that guy), and CosmicBookNews has already kicked-off the rumour that Mark Strong (of Kick-Ass and, uh, Green Lantern) will be the bald super-villain. We think that’s just peachy – he was great in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.

If this casting rumour for Man Of Steel 2 proves to be true, it brings with it some unavoidable and delectable consequences. For one, it confirms that Lex Luthor will be in Man Of Steel 2, which would be dandy. For another, it will completely remove Green Lantern from the current DC Universe movie canon – Mark Strong was Sinestro in Green Lantern, so could not possibly also be Lex Luthor if the proposed Justice League film goes ahead with the Ryan Reynolds version of the film as part of its universe. Well, we suppose Warner Brothers could just not care, that’s their modus operandi after all.

Considering that Man Of Steel 2 will be shooting in 2014, we should expect to see the sequel in 2015, probably in the summer, placing it in one of the most crowded seasons for blockbusters ever. We’ll have to wait and see if any other Justice League projects see the light of day (like the Wonder Woman film or, uh, who else is in that thing…? The Martian Manhunter film. Why the hell not?) As enjoyable as Man Of Steel was, we just can’t see the DC challenge to The Avengers franchise ever working. PROVE US WRONG, DC.

In the meantime, let’s all build our anticipation for Man Of Steel 2 by fondly remembering one of the worst games of all time, Superman 64, in which Superman is challenged by Lex Luthor to “SOLVE MY MAZE”, which turns out to be a series of floating rings, in a line.

“You’ll never find your friends in this virtual world, Superman!” That’s DEFINITELY Mark Strong, right there!

Mark Strong as Lex? Who else do you think could fill the legendary shoes of Gene Hackman in Man Of Steel 2?

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