Pulp Fiction Scribe Tweets From Sing Sing

Jailed Pulp Fiction screenwriter Roger Avary hasn’t let incarceration block his creative juices. Indeed, the Oscar winner has, in fact, found a very creative way of transmitting his words to the world – Tweeting from his prison cell.
Last month, Avery was sentenced to a year behind bars after causing a fatal car accident when drunk behind the wheel. The actual source of the feed remains unverified, but the link from Avery’s personal website seems to give it some legitimacy. Whether Avery has access to the Internet is unclear, but it seems like he’s been dictating his 140 characters to a friend over the phone, who’s been updating his feed for him.
In the feed, the Prisoner-inspired “#34” talks of the pains and rigours of prison life. “Nightly,” he says, “every few hours like clockwork, a guard’s flashlight beam strikes #34’s face, perhaps to ensure lack of proper rest and exhaustion.” It makes for pretty grim reading, all in all, though there’s some occasional rays of hope.
Whether Avary’s conviction will affect his career is uncertain, but it’ll be interesting to see of the Killing Zoe director will use his experiences in a new project. Pulp Fiction is a bona fide classic, and who knows what ideas and storylines the man responsible for Jools and Vincent could make of a few prison characters?
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