Search results for "tim burton"

  • Top 10 Christmas movie classics

    You can um and ah about what to order for your viewing pleasure this Christmas, but there really is only one list – and we’ve got it. You can thank us later, for now; grab a fresh piece of paper, get your stocking ready and pray you’ve been good this year. Santa is on red-alert for the ultimate Christmas wish-list.

  • Guy Fawkes Movies: 5 films we demand to see

    Hurrah for the bloody goriness that is Guy Fawkes day! A proud, dastardly time indeed in our national history, and a great excuse to give children some fire to mess around with. So considering the film world is usually so ready and willing to hijack our most exciting tales, our question is, where are the films to accompany Bonfire Night?

  • A Town Called Panic

    You know the Cravendale adverts? You know, the stop-motion animation where a cow, a pirate and a cyclist all live together, living off milk and competing in musical statue for the last glass? Well, picture a feature length film in that style, in French and with more imagination then you could use to power the whole of Whoville and you’ve got the gloriously absurd and playful A Town Called Panic.

  • The fall and rise of the cinematic superhero

    Superhero films are big, big, BIG business, and the last decade’s worth of cinema has seen so many unitards and tooled leather boots I’m surprised it hasn’t run off to join the chorus line of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. The days of the latest capering crusader being consigned to the 80s bargain bin alongside Surf Nazis Must Die! and Over-sexed Rugsuckers from Mars (both real titles – check them out or die unfulfilled) are long over.

  • Jolie To Play Maleficent?

    Last week we reported that there’s a new Disney film in the works, a re-telling of Sleeping Beauty from the wicked witch’s POV. There was no name attached to the big bad part of Maleficent at the time, but it could be that the Queen of Hollywood herself, Angelina Jolie, might step up to play the role.