Search results for "tim burton"

  • Friday Face/Off: Owen Wilson

    This week, we look at funny man Owen Wilson. Is he laugh out loud brilliant, or an irritating, over-rated lad in need of a nose job? Should he and the rest of the ‘Frat Pack’ stop hurting our eyes and affronting our senses, or do they deserve awards for out of the box originality? The defence and prosecution have their say.

  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #6

    You may recall that, in the antique nursery rhyme, Solomon Grundy was married on a Wednesday. We don’t particularly trust anyone who’d get married when they could be seeing FILMS for HALF FREE, to be honest. Plus he never leaves us nice comments. Solomon Grundy is, we must conclude, something of a tosser – if you aren’t, read this lovely blog!

  • 13 Upcoming animated movies in 2011

    2011 is the year of the toon, bringing us animated movies galore from Pixar, Disney, Dreamworks and their like whether we want it or not. Here’s our rundown of animations due to hit the box office in 2011. Think we missed one? Let us know. Our word for today is ‘completist’.

  • Cheat Sheet: Danny Boyle

    Hurrah for knowledge-based lies! Beginning today, we’ll be giving you a weekly low-down on a cinematic figure you really should know your way around. After all, not only does epic film know-how make you a better person, but it improves your blood-pressure, freshens your clothes and makes you irresistible to foxy humans of your preferred gender. This week: Danny Boyle.

  • Write Christmas competition

    Enter our marvellous Write Christmas competition! Bored of the same old Hollywood Christmas movies? Us too. Best For Film are launching an epic writing competition this festive season – we want you to write a review of the greatest Christmas film never made.1st prize is £100 and your imagined movie made real with a one-off poster by the mind-blowing design team who brought you The Hurt Locker, In the Loop, The Last Exorcism posters and more. VOTING IS NOW CLOSED!