Search results for "tim burton"

  • Super Accessories: the shopper’s guide

    As the impending atrocity that is Green Lantern looms ever closer (we’re resigned to it, we just are), we’ve decided it’s time we take a look behind the super powers.We’ve realised that it’s not the tight fitting cat suits, underwear on the outside or “inherent desire to do good” that makes a real superhero, it’s all about the blingin’ accessories! As it happens, we managed to come across a catalogue straight from the superheroes supplier detailing the ten most popular superhero accessories.

  • News Roundup!

    Holy pineapple chunks, Batman – it’s a brand new feature! Today and on every weekend until the Earth is consumed by fire and ice, we will be bringing you the pick of the week’s film gossip in a format so accessible, democratic and toothsome you might well mistake it for Peaches Geldof’s ladygarden. It’s time to round up the news…

  • 3D or not 3D – that is the question

    What an incredible age we live in! Chemical-filled snacks are readily available on delivery at obscene hours of the morning, social networking has become a national sport and now we can even watch movies in three glorious dimensions. But with the great power of 3D comes great responsibility – so has anyone yet managed to rise up and use it to good effect? Or is it just about making an extra couple of quid per person at the cinema? So far it’s pretty much been the latter – but for every shocker there’s been one to come along and blow the rest out of the 3D piranha-infested waters…

  • I Am Number Four

    Neatly bridging the gap between this year’s glut of sci-fi films and the ongoing demand for unusual teenagers who, like, can’t fit in because they’re vampires (or werewolves or gay or whatever else), I Am Number Four will certainly be popular. Michael Bay should be crucified for ruining yet another film with his stupid flashing lights, but who cares when there’s a hunky alien loose?

  • 10 worst comic book adaptations ever

    The humble comic book has given us some of the most iconic characters of the past century: caped-crusaders, garish Amazonian princesses, angst ridden mutants and radioactive people of all varieties have infiltrated the popular culture. But sadly not all adaptations quite live up to their two dimensional counterparts, and today we sort the wheat from the needlessly scanty PVC. Be aware that I had to re-watch a lot of these before writing this; I suffer for my work.