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  • Fire in the Blood

    Fire in the Blood is a documentary about injustice. The unjust decision to favour the maintenance of profits over the maintenance of people; the unjust decision to allow millions of lives to be extinguished while counting up the value of profits achieved by making that decision. It is about how while the light went out of the eyes of millions who could have been kept with us, some of their fellow human beings battled against the prevailing dark. Justice is a light that profit attempts to extinguish, but it survives undimmed as long as some people know what it is. Fire in the Blood is an attempt to make people remember.

  • 5 Broken Cameras

    Never mind Zero Dark Thirty, 5 Broken Cameras is the closest we’ve ever been to conflict, and it’s a staggeringly powerful piece of filmmaking. Despite being one-sided, there’s little to dispute in a film depicting such extreme injustice for Palestinian people. This is a great cinematic achievement, and its Oscar nomination for Best Documentary Feature shows it have been given international acclaim. Here’s to history in the making.

  • The Smalls Best of 2012 Screening & Awards Night: Recap

    True to their mission, The Smalls seek to shine a spotlight on filmmakers who need a step in the right direction in order to get their voices heard and their films played. When Best For Film was invited down to The Smalls Best of 2012 Screening and Awards Night at the Roxy bar, we knew we’d be in for a collection of visual treats. How right we were. Supplied with champagne and sofas soft enough to hide away in forever, so began a night that blew us away with not only the best in short films, but the best in filmmaking.