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  • Friday Drinking Game #72 – Samuel L Jackson

    Samuel L Jackson’s made nearly 150 films, how the hell did we miss the opportunity to pay tribute to him with a Friday drinking game?! Shameful. Here we are making it up to you alcoholics, and the motherfucker himself (an affectionate term he’d appreciate – you know we’re just joshing with you bro!).

  • Gangster Squad

    Gangster Squad is based on the true tale of a group of LAPD officers and detectives in the late 1940s who used, shall we say, extra-judicial methods to smash the operations that allowed gangster Micky Cohen to control the underworld of the US west coast. The film is directed by Ruben Fleischer, who has mainly worked in the worlds of advertising and music-video production, but has two previous films (Zombieland and 30 Minutes or Less) to his credit. An ensemble cast including Josh Brolin, Sean Penn, Ryan Gosling, Nick Nolte and Emma Stone play out a plot we get the feeling we have already seen before.

  • Top 10 movie burgers

    At BestForFilm, we take the attitude that people who buy Tesco value beefburgers probably deserve whatever they get. However, if your lunch has been interrupted by some unwanted equine DNA (and let’s face it, who wants DNA in their lunch? It’d get tangled round the salad) then we can offer assistance. For your lip-smacking delectation, we present the top 10 burgers in cinema – and there’s not a horse to be seen.