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  • Robot & Frank

    The first feature length film for director Jake Schreir shows us a glimpse into our near-future. Glass phones, voice-activated video-calling on HD screens, robots cooking lasagne; it’s really the 21st century dream. But what do we do with all the old people? Turns out what we do is give them robots and let them steal diamonds and antique versions of Don Quixote.

  • Rise Of The Guardians

    Rise Of The Guardians is a technically impressive piece of work from the folks at DreamWorks who brought you the spectacular How To Train Your Dragon. It really is quite lovely to watch. Unfortunately, this is where we must get off the positivity train and enter the dark and rotting sled that is everything else about this film. The plot, the characters, the story – all must obey the cardinal rule of a kids film: Don’t be boring. It is a rule that Rise Of The Guardians breaks with aplomb.

  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #95

    It’s the most wonderful time of the year! With Hanukkah just around the corner and Kwanzaa on the horizon, now’s the time to cram in as much time at the local ‘plex as possible with this week’s OWLs. There’s a menorah’s worth of good films out at the moment; we’re utterly spoiled for choice! Naturally, the Crimbo death march continues, with Rise of the Guardians here to distract the mewling tots. They’d probably prefer Christopher Walken.