Search results for "lindsay lohan"

  • Lindsay Lohan is released

    Ahh… we love the smell of justice evasion in the morning. After serving 2 weeks of a 90 day sentence, Lindsay Lohan has been released from prison, and is expected to start a rehab program as soon as possible. And when we say “rehab program”, we probably mean “a couple of days worth of saying sorry and drinking ribena”.

  • Lindsay Lohan could be free in 11 days

    Isn’t justice marvelous? It’s good to know that we live in a world that how sinful you are directly correlates to how famous you’ve become. I mean, yeah sure Roman Polanski raped a 13 year old, but he made all those films! He can’t go to jail! And yes, Lindsay Lohan has been convicted in a court of law, but come on, she was in Mean Girls! She doesn’t belong in the clink!

  • Lindsay Lohan jailed

    Oh dear, Lindsay. Less than a week after getting into trouble for running up a massive shopping bill and casually forgetting she had to pay it, Lindsay has landed herself in prison. For thievery? Nope. For not attending alcohol education classes. There’s only so far the law can bend for the celeb-type, it seems.

  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #110

    Spring finally seems to be here for good, so as you prepare that first celebratory vat of Pimm’s don’t forget to hold back a few oranges and lemons for this week’s film rundown. Will you be tempted by Ryan Gosling in a forest, or does Charlie Sheen boffing Lindsay Lohan sound more like your cup of tea? If it does, probably sterilise the cup before you let anyone else drink from it. Pervert.

  • Throwing a ‘Bad Movie’ Oscar party

    Best of, and worst of, lists for the year of 2013 are everywhere. Clearly, this is subjective territory and for everyone who declares, “This film is a giant pile of drivel” someone else claims, “That pile of drivel is the new Citizen Kane.” Opinions are flying because – oooh, ahhh – everyone’s gearing up for award season! With winner pools, layman ballots, even an Academy-sponsored bingo sheet available for download, Oscar parties appear to be all the rage. You won’t need to hire your photographer friends to play paparazzi and yell at attendees all night or an actual length of scarlet carpeting – all you need is a little ingenuity.

  • Top 5 films to watch on a damp December night

    December’s here, and it’s cold and miserable and nobody at Best For Film Towers can breathe without choking on phlegm. We’re not loving winter so far. Fortunately, Ella’s managed to smuggle a bit of good cheer into this ghastly gloomy afternoon – here’s how to get some of your own.