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  • Top 10 Summer Movies

    Oh hello there Summer. How y’doing? Whatcha been up to? Sure is nice to see you. So how long do you reckon you’ll – oh, you’ve gone.
    It came, it went and, in honour of the sun’s fleeting but glorious presence, we’ve compiled our Top 10 Summer Movies. So next time watching the Female Greco-Roman Wrestling or the preliminary rounds of the Women’s Lightweight Snatch (yep, totally real) doesn’t appeal to you, hunker down with one of these.

  • Orange (Wednesday)s and Lemons #81

    Olympic fever has hit Best For Film Towers! HA, joke. We’ll be ignoring the stupid bloody sports as usual and sticking to our nice sitty-downy films, and if you don’t join us we’ll know you were the sort of twonk who used to look forward to PE lessons and not even consider sneaking off to smoke behind the bike sheds. You are not welcome here, Healthy Ones – you don’t even need a dose of citrus to guard against scurvy. Begone.