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  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #77

    A new month, a new Spider-Man and a new batch of Best For Film writers! How on earth will you work out what to see this evening without us? No reasonable human could be expected to choose between Webhead, Kristen Wiig, Abraham Lincoln, Joel Murray’s little brother and Dolly Parton – fortunately, however, we’re not reasonble. Or human.

  • Friends with Kids

    Julie Westfelt (Kissing Jessica Stein) writes, directs, produces and stars in a romantic comedy that is neither romantic nor funny, more harrowing and pointless. Bridesmaids 2, as the poster and trailer would have you believe, it absolutely is not.

  • In The Dark Half

    A genuinely disturbing, if slightly hokey psychological horror from the new iFeatures digital filmmaking scheme, In The Dark Half beats the odds predicted by its micro-budget to produce a sensitive and finely detailed exploration of a particularly toxic grief, the claustrophobia of small-town life and the sheer scope of the power of denial.