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  • The Raid

    Muscular, mean, nightmarish and brutal, The Raid delivers an unyielding onslaught of exquisitely choreographed violence, reminding us all that the thick, brawny shoot-em ups we’re used to associating with the action genre wouldn’t last a minute up against Indonesia’s glistening finest. With shades of Oldboy, Ong Bak, Reservoir Dogs and more dripping from every blood-drenched sinew, this is endurance-entertainment that isn’t afraid to push its actors and audience until its final, skull-cracking moments. Best of luck.

  • This week’s releases: the trailers

    You’re going to be using that seductive brain of yours ALL WEEK, the very least you can do is let it re-charge on a Sunday. Presenting this week’s releases in a coma-friendly format – just point your eyes towards the screen, shout “PUT THE KETTLE ON” in the direction of a minion and click to your heart’s content.

  • Salute

    The 1968 Mexico City Olympic Games were virtually eclipsed by an extraordinary image, one which has stood the test of time to become an instantly recognisable symbol of the civil rights battles of the 60s – two black athletes giving the infamous Black Power salute from the winners’ dais. But who was the white man standing beside them? Salute offers a truly fascinating insight into the greatest humanitarian you’ve never heard of.

  • News Round-Up May 14th-18th

    It’s been a hell of a week for cinema, hasn’t it? Hasn’t it? What do you mean, you don’t know? Are you telling us that you haven’t been glued to the Best For Film Twitter account all week, breathlessly drinking in every word of Hollywood news as we churned it out? You little bitch. Get in here and catch up or we’ll spank you.