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  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #70

    It’s impossible to dress for this weather – one minute it’s sheeting down, the next it’s hotter than Jude Law’s crotch five seconds after he’s met the new nanny. So why bother to go outside at all? Hide in the multiplex all day and watch film after film after film, secure in the knowledge that all you really need to wear is some pants. Thank god for the OWLs!

  • Jeff Who Lives At Home

    Never quite sure whether it wants to champion the go-getters or those who just let fate sweep them along, Jeff, Who Lives At Home is nevertheless a perfectly amiable mumblecore comedy made watchable by the great chemistry between its leads Jason Segel and Ed Helms. Though it loses its head somewhat in the strangely action-packed final third, some good dialogue and gentle laughs make it just about worth a visit.