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  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #66

    CABIN IN THE WOODS IS OUT! Obviously that’s what you’re going to go and see this week, but if you’ve seen it already (we all have) then you might need some other ideas on how to use your Orange 2-4-1 voucher. Or you could just, you know, see Cabin in the Woods again. That’s what we’d do. Have done. Are doing, tonight, again. Whatever. FRUIT FRUIT FRUIT

  • Breathing

    A calm, quiet and much-needed antidote to the braying Life-Affirming tales shoved our way by the good old Yoo Es of Ay, Breathing tracks a young man’s tentative journey back to reality after it seems he’s given up on the idea. Careful cinematography, a stripped down script and a stonking soundtrack make this unassuming little film well worth a watch – and besides, we’ve always said more heart-filling tales should be set mainly in a morgue.