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  • Salmon Fishing in the Yemen

    Looking for a challenging piece of angsty art house grime that will change the way you think about the universe and your place within it? Stop being so serious, can’t you? Down a mogadon smoothie and go and see Salmon Fishing In The Yemen instead. It’s got fish in it.

  • Mirror Mirror

    Snow White is a classic tale of true love, unfathomable evil and the perils of vanity. Mirror Mirror, on the other hand, is a story about the classic heroine getting riled up about taxes and joining a group of bandits…

  • The Top 5 Films That Aren’t As Clever As We Think They Are

    We all like to think there are films out there that can completely alter our world view, and hey, every now and then we bloomin well find one. A film that dazzles is one thing, but a film that changes your entire perception – they are perhaps fewer and farther between than Hollywood history would have us believe. Introducing films and filmmakers labelled as making ground-breakingly intelligent cinema and why it could be that they aren’t as clever as we’d like to believe…

  • Cheat Sheet: James Cameron

    Oh sure, everybody knows that James Cameron loves going crazy with his special effects. And, sure, everyone knows that he had something to do with Titanic… but what ELSE do you know about tempestuous Captain Jim, eh? Exactly. Prepare for an iceberg of knowledge to sink (and destroy) your preconceptions on one of the most influential men in Hollywood…

  • The Pirates! In An Adventure With Scientists

    With a plot as cheerfully convoluted as its title, viewers might start to feel sea-sick trying to keep up with the ridiculous twists and turns of The Pirates! In An Adventure With Scientists. But does it matter? Not really. This is home-made Aardman animation at its most visually dazzling, and the love, humour and detail locked in every frame ensures that story quibbles are soon tossed over-board.