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  • Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

    A tacky manipulative offence? A cynical piece of emotional hack work? A shockingly brazen attempt at cashing in on 2996 dead Americans? If only it was that interesting. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is most remarkable for how utterly unengaging it manages to be.

  • We Bought A Zoo

    You might not have heard the one about the widower who bought his kids a zoo, but remarkably it has its basis in reality. While Matt Damon’s latest might be far from the actor’s best work, We Bought a Zoo is a touching, humbling and wonderfully gracious film that should begin to undo the damage caused by Kevin James’ atrocious Zookeeper. You can put down that Capuchin, it turns out they’re not all voiced by Adam Sandler.

  • The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

    A who’s who of pensionable British talent is shipped off to the colonies for The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, a charming comedy which makes full use of its intoxicating setting and first-rate cast. Ever wished Love Actually had more curry and jokes about hip replacements?