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  • TGIM! All You Need Is Lynch (doo dah doo doo doo..)

    It’s Monday, and after a solid couple of days of recreational brain cell murder you’re probably feeling a bit rough up in the head bits. Whether your weapon of choice was Jagermeister or the new season of The Only Way Is Essex (shame on you all), we have the perfect brain workout to get the poor withered thing back into shape; a healthy dose of David Lynch.

  • Top 10 Missed Opportunities For Killing Adam Sandler

    Adam Sandler has irritated the hard-working folks at BFF Towers just one too many times. He’d been treading a dogged path with us, pumping out horrible slapstick comedies, but then he did Funny People. And we thought “hey… maybe we’ve been wrong about Adam? Maybe he’s not so… OH MY GOD IT’S JACK AND JILL!!! The horror! THE HORROR!” So then we decided to invent fun and new ways to murder him. Roll on the top 10 missed opportunities for killing Adam Sandler…

  • Go To Blazes

    Michael Truman’s Go to Blazes (1962) is celebrating its 50th anniversary! What could be a better way to celebrate than with an exclusive screening at the BFI Southbank? But, before you hit up the London Comedy Film Festival on January 29th, check out what we have to say about this glorious old-school flick…

  • This Week’s Releases: The Trailers

    Sure, you could read about this week’s releases. You could engage in intellectual discourse about the benefits of the latest action-thriller over the seductive Oscar fodder, you could peruse the latest cinematic theories and pluck your opinions from the pantheon of great critique – but you know what? It’s Sunday. Let’s just watch all the trailers instead.