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  • News Round-Up Jan 25th-28th

    It’s Saturday morning – you’d planned to get up early and make the most of the day, but instead you hid under the covers until quarter to eleven like a shut-in with a passion for snuggliness. You’re such a failure. But never mind – if you’re not going to experience the world first-hand, you can just catch up on the best of the week’s movie news with our regular round-up!

  • Friday Drinking Game #36 – Indie Rom-Coms

    Brand-new indie rom-com Like Crazy has hit cinemas, bringing with it a wealth of brutal honesty and bitter views on love. Hurray! How will we cope with all of this unsugared reality? By drinking, that’s how! Grab yourselves a suitable alcoholic bevvy, a stack of DVDs and a handful of cynical friends… things are about to get messy.

  • Angel and Tony

    First-time writer Alix Delaporte and scintillating star Clotilde Hesme bring a delicate grace to this unconventional love story set in rural Normandy. Who knew a romance between a skinny ex-con and a balding, middle-aged fisherman could be so touching? Not the fisherman, certainly.

  • Bail Enforcers

    We didn’t expect much from a film starring a wrestler. But we did expect a film starring a lady wrestler to not be relentlessly sexist. WELL SUE US FOR SHOWING A LITTLE OPTIMISM.

  • J. Edgar

    Even DiCaprio’s firmest putting-on-glasses-then-taking-off-glasses can’t puncture this thick, bland-tastic portrait of the man who started the the FBI. Sexuality scandals, deep-rooted mummy issues, a hatred for Martin Luther King and loads and loads of holding guns – how on earth did Clint Eastwood manage to make this chap so dull?