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  • Rage

    Rage is one of the best indie horror flicks we’ve seen in a long while. Drawing on Hitchcockian techniques, Witherspoon manages to transform an everyday occurrence into a terrifyingly realistic psychological thriller, keeping the suspense-fuelled mystery turned right up until the very end….

  • Top 10 Unsexy Sex Scenes

    With hard-hitting sex-addict drama Shame hitting our screens to the applause of critics everywhere, it’s no wonder we’ve got the two-backed monster on our minds. From Carey Mulligan’s unexpected nudity (forget the sad eyes!) and Fassbender’s humongous ‘fassbender’, it was pretty sexy. So sexy. But also horribly horribly unsexy. And so, to celebrate all things gross and disturbing in the bedroom, we’ve decided to count down the top 10 least sexy sex scenes ever…

  • Top 5 cinematic outcasts

    If there’s one thing that The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo has given us (and I’m including both the Swedish original and David Fincher’s recent blockbuster when I say this) it’s a new Goth poster-girl for the 21st century. Lisbeth Salander has not only shown the world that girls with ropey piercings and Misfits haircuts are hot, it’s that they can kick ass as well.

  • Top 5 Places To Rent Films In The UK

    You know what’s going out of fashion like there’s no tomorrow? Renting DVDs from an actual physical store. In fact, it’s so out of fashion it’s retro. And retro is fashionable. HUZZAH! Check out the top 5 places to rent films in the UK and amp up your awesome points, asap…

  • War Horse

    First adapted from Michael Morpurgo’s book into a play by Nick Stafford, the story of War Horse has now been set loose on cinema audiences in Steven Spielberg’s latest epic. Having divided critics upon its release, we decide to make like a horse and canter towards a sunny meadow of consensus. And clover.

  • Orange(Wednesday)s And Lemons #54

    On the day where Wikipedia has been blacked out for the good of free speech and an unregulated world wide web, today will be a celebration of half-forgotten GCSE history facts, vague references to “that guy… you know, that one,” and regret at not having found out more about Fidel Castro when you had the chance. TOO LATE NOW. Might as well go to the cinema, eh? Two for one! Who needs knowledge when you have FREE?