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  • Cheat Sheet: Stanley Tucci

    Everyone loves Stanley Tucci. You know him, he’s the little bald chap in The Devil Wears Prada. And the little bald chap in Julie & Julia. And the little bald chap in Burlesque. And the not-bald paedophile in The Lovely Bones. See? That’s how good an actor he is – sometimes he acts HAVING HAIR. He’s not actually gay, either. Feeling ignorant? Come inside…

  • Thank God It’s Monday #1

    It’s a brand new year, the world is full of hope and yet somehow, it’s still Monday. We’ve decided enough is enough. Every Monday we’ll be bringing you something BRILLIANT to do this week – that ought to show it, the sneaky rogue. To kick us off: did someone say comedy Clint Eastwood musicians?