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  • Mother and Child

    This well-acted and occasionally surprising drama from Rodrigo GarcĂ­a explores the impact of adoption upon the lives of three women. Its first half is strong but the second hour becomes predictable, conventional and a little too sugary. And really, the whole affair would be better off without Kerry Washington (sorry Kerry but it’s true).

  • Cheat Sheet: Michelle Williams

    STOP PRESS: Michelle Williams is fabulous in My Week with Marilyn. As she is is literally everything else she’s ever made, ever. By rights, you should know her blood type and preferred cut of underwear by now – and if you don’t, then why are you lingering here and not ploughing straight into this Cheat Sheet? Go! Go!

  • Five Star Day

    After being lied to by a horoscope and having the stereotypical birthday from Hell, a young man sets out to prove that astrology is a bunch of bullshit. Tracking down the three people born closest to him in terms of time and location, he finds out he got more than he bargained for and learns some valuable life lessons. Hooray!

  • My Week With Marilyn

    Her name alone conjures up an image for all of us; whether it’s the sexy woman in the billowing white skirts, the girl who famously slept in nothing but Chanel No. 5 or the actress who died in mysterious circumstances, we all feel as if we know Marilyn Monroe. This biopic elegantly cuts through our preconceptions about Hollywood’s brightest star, offering an uncommonly intimate account of just seven days in her life…