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  • The Virgin Media Shorts Awards 2011

    Join us as we look back on the winners and good-try-anyways of the 2011 Virgin Media Shorts Awards. There’s laughter, twists, warmed hearts and a mermaid for whatever reason. Take a look. After all, what have you got to lose except your worthless, worthless time?

  • Friday Face/Off: The Oscars

    With the devastating news that The Muppets will not be doling out the orders at the 2012 Academy Awards, our faith in the entire organisation has gone to pot. Should we even bother with this evening of glittery, dead-eyed back-slapping? Would we if Hugh Jackman was involved? Shall we just watch that opening number one more time? Two of our writers hash it out, or at least they will until we turn off the mics and pump up the music…

  • Friday Drinking Game #28 – Classical Epics

    Immortals is out, and that’s as good a reason as any to get so drunk that you start calling your wedding tackle ‘Poseidon’ and telling it you’ll sacrifice a white bull to it just as soon as one trots out of the sea. Make sure you don’t substitute another bull, though, or your testicles might turn into a MInotaur. Or something. Can you tell that we’ve already started drinking?

  • Top 10 Horse Cameos in Films

    To date we’ve have over 500,000 complaints from people frustrated by the lack of horses featured on our website. So in tenuous honour of Steven Spielberg’s upcoming horsefest War Horse, BFF and our trusty equine assistant Mr Jingles bring you the Top 10 Horse Moments in Films Not Specifically About Horses. Or, in other words, the Top 10 Horse Cameos.

  • Why the Hollywood drag queen reigns supreme

    To celebrate the imminent release of The British Guide To Showing Off – a marvellously mad documentary centring on the annual Alternative Miss World pageant – we reckon it’s important to remember what it is about cinematic cross-dressing that makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside. From Patrick Swayze to Robin Williams, from Toni Collette to Tony Curtis – we don our heels, our moustaches and our classiest bejelewed thongs and embrace the wonderful world of drag…