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  • Sket

    From the producers of Anuvahood and Shank comes a self-consciously dark revenge thriller which nevertheless manages to provide an interesting new perspective on the growing dangers of urban gang violence. You may wince, but chances are you’ll stick with Sket to the bloody end.

  • Inspiring The Next Generation: The Discovery Film Festival

    Ever wanted to go to a quality film festival, but been unable to offload the children? Ever sat through an Alvin and the Chipmunks movie and cursed the lack of varied children’s entertainment on offer? Ever wanted to watch a hand-picked film with like-minded and passionate people? From 22 October – 6 November, Dundee has the answer.

  • Monday Mash-Up – CRAP GHOSTS SPECIAL!

    To commemorate the release of Paranormal Activity 3, a franchise which has made more than $100m through the simple expedient of filming a bedroom in which nothing happens, we’ve created a new ghostly character to appeal to its simple-minded fans. Can you identify its components? At least we didn’t rip off Blair Witch