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  • WIN: Pina On DVD x 3

    From acclaimed director Wim Wenders (Paris, Texas, Buena Vista Social Club) comes the mesmerising PINA, released on DVD on 12 September 2011 from Artificial Eye, and we have 3 copies to give away.

  • Friday Face/Off: Dogs in film

    Everyone’s got an opinion on dogs; either you like nothing more than to fling sticks, collect turds and have your face licked (bringing you just one degree of bacterial separation away from canine penis) or you’d rather all vets started offering complimentary sack’n’brick combos with every collar bought. Hollywood’s certainly not exempt from our collective love affair with hounds; but what do John and Caroline think? It’s time to Face/Off…

  • The Top 10 Bond Girls

    We’ve already reported today that little-known French actress Bérénice Marlohe may be stepping in as our obligatory sexy babe for Bond 23. Which got us to thinking; who are the best Bond Girls of all time? Somebody start up the BFF Top 10 machine…

  • What’s Your Number?

    What’s Your Number? tells the story of Ally Darling a woman who, upon discovering that sleeping with more then twenty men is a one-way ticket to Spinster City via Loneliness Junction, retraces her dating past in an attempt to unearth ‘the one’ she may have discarded. Of course, LOVE was waiting JUST NEXT DOOR. Predictable, yes. A fun way to waste an afternoon? Also yes.

  • Friday Drinking Game #23 -James Bond

    It’s Friday, the weather is sultry and there’s a possible new Bond girl lounging around in France somewhere, which can only mean one thing.
    Time to party like 007! So grab a Martini, or get Moneypenny to fetch you one, and immerse yourself in a world of violence, alcoholism and sex. Stag nights ain’t got NOTHING on JB!