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  • The Top 10 Roles Which Didn’t Require Anne Hathaway

    So it’s official; Anne Hathway will definitely be taking on the role of Fantine in the upcoming film version of Les Misérables. If you felt a breeze just then, it would be the result of collective sighs sweeping across the nation. This seems like the perfect time to lament the top 10 roles which didn’t require Anne Hathaway, doesn’t it?

  • Set-Up

    The muscle babes of Die Hard and G-Unit come in Setup, a painfully predictable action thriller. With plenty of guns, a bald mob boss or two, a handful of heavily clichéd Russians, a thirst for vengeance and the odd sexy lying bitch, there really isn’t anything original to this diamond heist gone wrong. Except for Fiddy Cent in a role where he takes no prisoners. Oh wait…

  • Killer Elite

    What do a dying Sheikh, a bunch of SAS guys and Clive Owen with a dodgy moustache have in common? They all want to screw up Jason Statham’s day, and he won’t let them. Killer Elite tells the story of an ex-hitman out of retirement for One Last Hurrah. It’s not as predictable as you might think. Oddly, that doesn’t help matters.

  • Top 10 Most Depressing Films EVER Made

    Perfect Sense. Melancholia. Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close. They’ve all got one thing in common; they’re all hitting the silver screen in the near future and they’re all going to be completely and utterly soul destroying. Keeping this chic bleakness in mind, we’re decided to check out the 10 most depressing films ever made…

  • Blood in the Mobile

    Your mobile phone is great for many reasons It keeps you amused with a flock of angry birds, allows you to feign conversation when that weirdo on the tube won’t stop yelling… and may be helping fund wars in Africa. Most of you have probably stumbled across the term ‘blood diamond’ before, but have you heard of ‘blood minerals’? And did you know that not a single mobile phone manufacturer can guarantee that the phones they sell are free from blood minerals? We thought not.

  • Abduction

    Either your entire family was recently captured by Somali pirates whilst on a pleasure cruise and you were forced to watch each of them being systematically tortured in an attempt to get you to release the codes for the Swiss bank vault containing the family fortune, or Abduction will be the worst thing you’ve seen this year. It’s as simple as that, really.