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  • Orange(Wednesday)s And Lemons #38

    How you’re supposed to fight your way through the spiky cinematic maze of Tinkers, Drivers, Abductors, Soldiers, Warriors and Soul Surfers is anyone’s guess – it’s damn fortunate then that a bit of orangey vitamin C will enhance your eyesight in the dark confusion. What? Oh whatever, all vitamins are the same, probably.

  • Cane Toads 3D: The Conquest

    Who would have thought that the history of one of Australia’s greatest environmental catastrophes could have been so enjoyable? The Cane Toad or, as some Down Under like to call it, Public Enemy Number One, enjoys an in-depth documentary courtesy of toad-addict Mark Lewis. It tickles the funny bone, sure, but it teaches us that the toads are an unstoppable rebel force and they will take Australia, no matter what…

  • Kingdom of Gladiators

    Kingdom of Gladiators tells the story of a king who makes a pact with a demon, and then has a gladiator tournament, and these two things are somehow connected. Steer clear if you can, this tits-and-hits action film offers a very poor show of both the former and the latter.

  • Soul Surfer

    It sounds like it’s going to be the cheesiest film in the world, doesn’t it? “When you come back from a loss, beat the odds, and never say never, you find a champion.” Yiesh, could they lay it on any thicker? If you wade through the Hollywood clichés, you’ll find the true story of a teen amputee who followed her dreams to become a champion surfer. But there’s a LOT of wading…

  • Jurassic Park

    Touched by age and finally brave enough to sit through the taut kitchen scene without weeping (MIND THE LADLE!), I all but jumped at the chance to revisit Jurassic Park on the big screen. Re-touched, re-tooled and re-toothed, Steven Spielberg’s fourth greatest movie still stands a head and shoulders (and claws and tail) above its blockbusting competition.