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  • Mademoiselle Chambon

    From French director StĂ©phane BrizĂ©, Mademoiselle Chambon is a charming, captivating film that tells the story of a love affair between a married bricklayer and his son’s graceful teacher.

  • Friday Drinking Game #21 – Sarah Jessica Parker

    Did you think that you had plans for your Friday night? Were you heading out on the razzle with your hip older friends, or dressing up in stockings and suspenders (sort of) against your will, or jumping on a long-distance train journey to somewhere sinister sounding and rainy? Screw that; it’s FRIDAY DRINKING GAME! Today, to mark the release of How Does She Do It, we’ve gone Sarah Jessica Parker crazy; grab your Cosmopolitans, leave your horse comparisons at home and get ready to overload on oestrogen!

  • Friday Face/Off: Ryan Reynolds

    Deadpool, or dead in the water? This week we’re focussing our boozy (yet sharp like an icy axe) gaze upon one of the more debatable talents of Hollywood: the suspiciously affable Ryan Reynolds. Is he a genuine talent with a string of bad choices behind him, or simply a series of sculpted limbs with nothing to lose?

  • Top 20 Action Films to see in 2012

    Take a deep breath and prepare yourself for an exhaustive year of EPIC action films. 2012 is the official year of explosive sequels, daring superheroes and hardcore fairy tales. Just make sure you have an oxygen tank nearby.