Search results for "colin farrell"

  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #35

    Can you believe this is the thirty-fifth time you’ve read Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons? If you got together a load of apples, flicked all the pips into a bowl and then read every OWL since January in one go whilst consuming 2.42g of pips per review, d’you know what would happen? You’d DIE. Serious stuff, eh? Enjoy the blog!

  • Horrible Bosses

    An Apatow-eque romp without the cuddling after, Horrible Bosses chucks in loads of really naughty words and hopes to goodness it ends up controversial. The thing is, everyone’s obviously having such a brilliant time that it all just comes off as one big in-joke. Funny, crude, silly and loud – if you set your brain from kill to stun there’s a fair bit of enjoyment to be had here. I just wish they weren’t so damn pleased with themselves.

  • Cheat Sheet: Brendan Gleeson

    One of those “Isn’t he the one from…” actors, Brendan Gleeson has been consistently delivering great performances for nearly twenty years, without ever really getting major recognition outside of industry circles. Perhaps with his current release The Guard getting glowing reviews, and with his directorial debut At Swim-Two-Birds in pre-production, he’ll finally be rooted in the public consciousness. Lord knows he deserves it.