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  • Treacle Jr.

    Every so often you watch a film that you know you’re going to love within the first 5 or 10 minutes. Treacle Jr. is one such film. Funny, poignant, wonderfully acted and making brilliant use of its South London locations, Treacle Jr. is an absolute gem of a film, illustrating once again that you don’t need a Hollywood budget to create brilliant cinema.

  • Top 10 Worst Bosses in film

    Everybody at some point in their life has had a boss so dreadful that, if given the chance, you really would consider subjecting them to some kind of Saw or Final Destination-esque torture. But in movie land we all know that things are always ten times worse. So to mark the release of Horrible Bosses, we are going to count down the absolute WORST bosses in film.

  • Whiskey Galore!

    To celebrate the 80th birthday of Ealing Studios, the classic Whisky Galore is back on our big screens as of the 29th July. And frankly, I couldn’t be happier. Spruced up with digital restoration, stylistically stunning cover designs and retaining its utter, utter brilliance – there’s no excuse, you simply have to see it.

  • Top 3 Indie Directors Gone to Hollywood!

    This week saw the first teaser trailer for the last instalment of Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises, and we here at Best For Film were…well, there was a feeling that we’d seen it all before. The gloomy Gotham-scape, mumbled dialogue, lots of shadows and buildings and shiny digital compositions. It’s slick, and it’ll probably turn out to be a good end to a so-far great trilogy, but a tiny part of us was thinking: “It’s not as good as Memento, is it?”. Still, Nolan isn’t the first indie director to be lured in by the lights and financial muscle of Hollywood, as this handy list will attest to.