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  • Top 3 Biopics that never got made

    This week saw us get our first glimpse of Meryl Streep as Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady, made almost unrecognisable (except as Margaret Thatcher, but we suspect that may have been the point) with coiffed hair, pearls and all. But the question is: should a film about such a divisive figure be made at all? And, what with the Susan Boyle biopic firmly in the works, how low is the bar being set for biopics?

  • Sarah’s Key

    Based on the much-loved novel by Tatiana de Rosnay, Sarah’s Key is a French drama that swings between 1940s Paris and the modern day to weave the tale of a young Jewish girl persecuted in the Vel’ d’Hiv, and the woman who finds herself obsessed with her story.

  • Friday Face/Off: Sandra Bullock

    It’s that time of the week again; that ‘we all want to get home but we’ve agreed to write one of these every Friday – quick, someone pop to the shop for some vitriol and poorly conceived opinions!’ time of the week. Facing off this week are the two GIANTS of Best For Film, and they’re tackling perhaps the most pertinent issue of all: was Two Weeks Notice any good?

  • Horrible Bosses

    An Apatow-eque romp without the cuddling after, Horrible Bosses chucks in loads of really naughty words and hopes to goodness it ends up controversial. The thing is, everyone’s obviously having such a brilliant time that it all just comes off as one big in-joke. Funny, crude, silly and loud – if you set your brain from kill to stun there’s a fair bit of enjoyment to be had here. I just wish they weren’t so damn pleased with themselves.

  • Trust

    Although we have been faced with many films documenting the world of internet sex predators and their victims, Ross from Friends a.k.a David Schwimmer clearly felt that making another one was the right way to go for his second major movie directorial. Expect a lot of look away moments.