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  • Cheat Sheet: David Yates

    It must be a right pain in the proverbial to be one of those directors who is only known for one project. Sure, that project may be the last four films in the Harry Potter franchise and has made him very rich and very famous – but let’s spare a thought for those nineteen years prior to Hogwarts with this week’s David Yates Cheat Sheet shall we?

  • From Nosferatu to Edward Cullen: the changing face of the vampire

    When it comes to vampire flicks, it seems that all Hollywood has to do is bare its money-spinning neck and audiences around the world will guzzle away. So after almost a century of vampire films, how did the cinematic interpretation move from Nosferatu to the perfectly coiffed Edward Cullen from the Twilight Saga? Will current film releases Stakeland and Priest take us back to a more traditionalist approach? And why are we still even interested?

  • Films to see in August 2011

    So after a wet and blustery June and a less than tropical July, it looks like August is going to be no better. So, rather than delay the inevitable, best face facts now: that barbeque is staying in the shed, you’re not going to get a chance to wear that bikini and picnic food tastes rubbish when it’s covered in rain. However, last time we checked cinemas are all rain free! Huzzah! Here’s your pick of what’s to come next month!