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  • Ten Contemporary Incarnations of the Grindhouse Genre

    The grindhouse genre seems to be going through a bit of resurgence recently. The new releases are different from the originals in many aspects, but all manage to capture the gruesome, gritty hilarity that makes the original players so damn addictive. We look at 10 recent films showcasing the future of grindhouse -dragging boobs, guns and gore along with them.

  • Interview! We talk to the star and director of Donor Unknown

    Donor Unknown is a fascinating documentary which follows one girl’s journey to meet her sperm donor father, and delves into the unknown world of sperm donations and the incredible new kind of family it can create. JoEllen Marsh was that girl and we got to talk to her alongside director Jerry Rothwell about filming that amazing story.

  • Screwed

    James D’Arcy owns his role as ex-soldier turned prison officer in this gritty insight into life in one of England’s most dangerous prisons. This semi-autobiographical story is based on the memoirs of Ronnie Thompson – a prison officer for seven years in some of the country’s most dangerous prisons – unearths the inherent corruption and violence that is common place in this environment.

  • Apocalypse Now

    In February of 1976 Francis Ford Coppola and his American Zoetrope production team began filming Apocalypse Now. Approximately 3 years later and reportedly some $30 million over budget the film premiered at the Cannes festival to wide critical acclaim. Now, some 30 years down the line the Vietnam epic has been lovingly restored by Coppola’s own production company and is back on the big screen. It should go without saying that for a generation of cinephiles this presents an opportunity not to be missed.