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  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #19

    For the nineteenth successive week, the greatest warriors of the mighty word-army which defends Best For Film Towers from ignorance, poor journalism and Peter Bradshaw have abandoned their posts and left the walls unguarded to gather in the Great Hall for a council of war. The enemy is not Iraq, Terror, Drugs or even HeyUGuys – it is the misery which strikes at the human heart when an Orange Wednesday ticket is wasted on a poor choice. They ask for nothing in return, and they do it all for you.

  • Something Borrowed

    Like an addict desperately searching for the next hit on my cinematic crack pipe, I looked forward to Something Borrowed with glee. But alas, the drugs don’t work anymore, and my fix of pure unadulterated fun has been laced with nasty morally-warped drudgery. What’s that I hear? Oh it’s just Nora Ephron weeping.

  • Everywhere and Nowhere

    Ash loves music and his tunes are brilliant (who knew bhangra drum and bass had such a large following). He dreams of one day breaking away from his oppressively traditional parents and DJing to massive crowds. His friends are all first generation British Asians and each are facing difficulty in juggling the two lifestyles they lead.

  • UK Film Events This May

    We know that you just can’t get enough of our UK Film Events blog, so here it is again! We have another cracking month of fun ahead. So if you like it down under, you think it’s downright grand, not grim up North, or you think actually it’s easy being green, you’ve come to the right place!

  • Kim Newman and Mark Kermode in conversation at the BFI

    While legions of Britons celebrated the monarchical nuptials via half-price champers ‘n cucumber-sandwiched exercises in vicariousness, April 29th saw a dissenting faction hanging with the real royalty – in an evening enchanted by torture-porn vignettes, the virtues of Driller Killer(s) and a good ol’ 70s creepshow…