Search results for "ian mckellen"

  • Roles that never were

    Come for a dip in the murky world of the ‘could have been’ and ‘if only’, as we take a look at those actors and actresses who turned down some surprising roles. Hindsight is a beautiful thing, and some of these stars must have been crying all the way to the bank after realising what they missed out on.

  • Guy Fawkes Movies: 5 films we demand to see

    Hurrah for the bloody goriness that is Guy Fawkes day! A proud, dastardly time indeed in our national history, and a great excuse to give children some fire to mess around with. So considering the film world is usually so ready and willing to hijack our most exciting tales, our question is, where are the films to accompany Bonfire Night?

  • James McAvoy to play young Xavier

    Whew. This is one prequel that’s getting some serious weight behind it. Last month we reported that X-Men: First Class would be directed and written by the Kick-Ass team Matthew Vaughn and Jane Goldman, and today it’s been confirmed that Brit star James McAvoy has climed on-board as the young Chales Xavier (originally played by Patrick Stewart).