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  • Yogi Bear

    If you’re looking for some kind of ‘bears shit in the woods’ joke, you’re going to have to go elsewhere. Yogi Bear is re-interpreted in this 3D CGI feature, a below-average kids film that is somewhat redeemed by its cute moral tale about the environment. Save the world, man.

  • Top 10 ‘WTF?!’ films

    Some films go out of their way to be a bit odd. To test the waters and see what they can get away with, you know? Sometimes it’s nonsense, sometimes it’s art. One thing that can be said is that the more bizarre a film is, the more interesting it can be. Some studios spend millions of dollars adjusting their films if an audience says they don’t understand something. This list is for the films that decided, ‘hey, screw sense’!

  • Paul

    First there was Spaced, then there was Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. Now, from the pen of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, comes Paul – the ultimate sci-fi geek comedy. Can this comic US road-trip live up to the witty British outings we’re used to seeing from Pegg?

  • True Grit

    Jeff Bridges’ apparently immovable jaw leads a beautifully crafted three-hander in the Coen Brothers’ True Grit. A confidently gentle pace and sparse backdrop means the focus of this Western re-make is always on the shifting central relationships rather than action- and though this may make for slightly frustrating viewing for shoot-em-up-ride-em-off lovers, the payoff is well worth the (slightly) clippety-cloppety ride.

  • WIN: 3 x WAR on DVD!

    When a British actor and his girlfriend are released by Chechen rebels after a failed ransom attempt, they enlist the aid of a Chechen captive and the Russian military to go back and wage all-out war on their captors. Raarrr! we have 3 DVDs of War by cult director Balabnov to give away!

  • Clash

    D’you know what the world needs more of? Formulaic martial arts films with an unfeasibly badass female lead chasing a briefcase full of MacGuffin to an ear-rending soundtrack. Serve me up some more of that, Vietnamese film industry! Oh, you already have? Super.

  • Top Ten Matt Damon Films

    Within 6 short months, Matt Damon has managed to appear in three films; True Grit, Hereafter and The Adjustment Bureau. Has Damon started to say “yes” to everything his agent throws at him? Is he the new Nicolas Cage? Before he goes and soils his quite astonishing career, we thought we’d have a look at the best of Damon.