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  • Short Film of the Week: Neon Killer

    Benito Robinsoni rose to film short fame with grindhouse movie trailer Slash Hive. We caught him in between feature films (giallo slasher and supernatural cop movie) to froth over Neon Killer, a hilarious nod to the luridly graphic excess of 1970s Poliziotteschi movies. Enjoy every daft and glorious minute!

  • 10 Best foreign films of 2010

    Here at Best For Film towers, we wish ‘foreign films’ weren’t labelled and segregated as such. But let’s bring those hidden gems out into the light. Here’s our list of the top 10 best foreign films in 2010!

  • Why we heart Ben Affleck

    BFF: defenders of the weak, trumpeters of the down-trodden, makers of wild, unsubstantiated claims and lovers of Ben Affleck. That’s right. It’s a heady mix.

  • The Mechanic

    The Mechanic is a remake of the slovenly ‘72 film starring Charles Bronson as a conflicted assassin. Substitute the unflappable Bronson for a wooden Jason Statham, add a Louisiana setting and blues soundtrack, and you have a Statham vehicle whose only redeeming value is the wonderful Ben Foster.

  • Cheat Sheet: Tina Fey

    We like to teach you things; after all, as Ralph Wiggum once said, “learning helps us play!” That it does, Ralph. That it does. This week, we endow you with all you need to know about queen of comedy, Tina Fey.

  • Stone

    Edward Norton and Robert De Niro are the main draw for this prison drama, which otherwise paints a confused picture of the thin line between law man and law breaker which never quite hits its mark.