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  • Foreign films that should’ve stayed foreign

    It’s all too easy, with a little bit of education in the matter of the movies, to become a film snob. An art house film here, a B-movie there, and suddenly you find yourself sneering at the current box office offerings, and assuming a taste for obscure Hong Kong horror shorts. Maybe you start wearing ironic, postmodern t-shirts, like Che Guevara wielding a light sabre. And oh, how you hate it when the soul sucking devils over in Hollywood-town remake one of your classics, the one you’ve seen nearly one and a half times!

  • The Dilemma

    A comedy about two couples, one huge business meeting, a three day deadline and a cheating spouse. Throw in two of the heavyweights (literally) of the comedy field in Vince Vaughn and Kevin James, and a couple of sexy WAGS in Jennifer Connelly and Winona Ryder and you should be on to a winner. Sadly for all involved, this is not the case.

  • Tangled

    Have you ever wondered how Disney might ultimately bridge the gap between its princess tradition and their more recent flirtations with CG? Ultimately a winning mix of The Princess and the Frog’s charm and Bolt’s comedy timing, Tangled certainly delivers on most levels – just not all of them.