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  • Rachel Weisz in Psychosexual Drama. Let’s hope it’s mummyless.

    It seems that Rachel Weisz is sick of being known as the beautiful and determined pursuer of good. Be grateful, Rachel, worse things happen at sea! But rather then play an evil witch, perhaps in the upcoming Harry Potter film, she’s gone for a sexy number. Well, I guess the fat and ugly characters can wait. You gotta grab the spicey roles whilst you’ve still got your metabolism and your own teeth.

  • District 9

    District 9 is a welcome return to politics in sci-fi films. It begins like an Apartheid spin on Brazilian ghetto drama City Of God, mutates into The Fly, and winds up pushing emotional buttons in a way reminiscent of ET…

  • Moon

    MOON is the first feature film by David Bowie’s son. It’s an intimate and beautiful sci-fi thriller that has already won awards and is being ranked with Alien, Blade Runner and 2001…

  • Devil

    Most people don’t like to be in a lift, full stop. But imagine being there with four others, three with a shady past and the king of shade, the devil himself. As a sinner yourself, your complaint may not make it to the file and pot, kettle, black would spring to mind. The moral of the story: the devil punishes wrongdoers. And not just with coal in your stocking.

  • Paradise Lost to be made into a film. Epic.

    If you haven’t got a series of ten hour bus journeys around India in which you need to entertain yourself with some light reading material, then help is on the way! Paradise Lost, the twelve book poem is being turned into a film. So once you’ve dallied around the Taj Mahal, come and be enlightened.

  • Super 8 casts a Super 9?

    For some time now the JJ Abrams/Steven Spielberg super project, Super 8, has been an unidentified object hovering at the edge of film journalism. It’s drawn plenty of attention – most of it focusing on what on Earth (or perhaps not on Earth?) the film is all about. With this latest piece of casting news, could the mystery finally be unravelling? No, probably not.

  • Stay

    At the invitation of the Swedenborg Society, Best For Film is publishing a special series of reviews to follow its ‘Images of the Afterlife in Cinema’ film season, which will be exploring life, death and everything in between. This week we’re struggling to get to the bottom of Marc Forster’s psychological drama Stay.