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  • London River

    Five years seems to be the appropriate mourning period which passes between a humanitarian disaster and its accompanying movies. But after Oliver Stone’s lumpen adaptation of the 9/11 attacks, Rachid Bouchareb’s look at the aftermath of the London bombings is well worth a watch.

  • Have Remakes Lost the Plot?

    The remake of The Karate Kid is coming out soon and I’m scared. I have visions of myself coming out of the screen a broken woman, feebly humming Joe Esposito’s You’re the Best to myself. The horror of seeing a much loved film pillaged by grasping Hollywood producers is traumatic enough to merit the forming of some sort of support group.

  • Disney’s new project: Gargoyles!

    As people whose childhoods were made up entirely of watching cartoons in darkened rooms, we’re always happy to know that our tender years was not utterly, utterly wasted. Disney has decided to adapt their glorious 90s cartoon series Gargolyes into a feature-film, and frankly, we’ve never felt more knowledgable (who’s life is pointless now, mum?)

  • The fall and rise of the cinematic superhero

    Superhero films are big, big, BIG business, and the last decade’s worth of cinema has seen so many unitards and tooled leather boots I’m surprised it hasn’t run off to join the chorus line of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. The days of the latest capering crusader being consigned to the 80s bargain bin alongside Surf Nazis Must Die! and Over-sexed Rugsuckers from Mars (both real titles – check them out or die unfulfilled) are long over.