Latest articles

  • New Shrek 4 Poster

    Whether you’re quivering with excitement or sick of the whole damn thing, you can’t help but admire team Shrek for their punning persistance. A few weeks ago we reported that Dreamworks had released four new posters for their upcoming Shrek 4, each baring inspiring tag-lines such as “where ma witches at?” and “it aint ogre till its ogre”. For all those out there crying “more! More!”, we’re happy to provide

  • Releases Coming Soon

    You know what we enjoy doing? Going to the future. We also enjoy going back to the future, but we’ve had copyright problems with that before. The point is, we’ve risked life and limb to discover what films are hitting our screens in upcoming weeks. Don’t ask us how we’ve done it. All we’ll say is that the Wikipedia Towers of the future are a terrifying and overly bear-guarded place. So, should you save our pennies for an upcoming epic, or splurge like there’s no tomorrow on the flicks out now? We’ve got the answers right here.

  • Universal Soldier: Regeneration

    The original Universal Soldier, starring Jean-Claude Van Damme and Dolph Lundgren as a pair of battling super-soldiers, was released in 1999, back when the ipod was less than a glint int Steve Jobs’s eye and nobody except super nerds had heard of the Internet. Now, for the first time in 18 years, Van Damme and Lundgren have reunited to bring the smack down in Universal Soldier: Regeneration! Better late than never, guys…

  • Joss Whedon to Direct The Avengers Film?

    It’s a prospect that will have comic book fans salivating everywhere: Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator and geek god Joss Whedon is in final talks to direct Marvel’s The Avengers. This is a superhero film of such potential epicness it’s making us here at Best For Film feel very dizzy. In a good way.

  • A Nightmare on Elm Street remake – new clip online

    The horror-savvy amongst you lot will be aware that we revealed the terrifying new poster for the horror remake last week. Now prepare to soil your pants all over again, as a teaser clip of the upcoming movie hits the web. The clip, which can be seen here, sees old Freddy K causing a bit of havoc in a supermarket. We can only assume he was frustrated in his quest to find hand cream.

  • Sex And City 3?

    Kim Catrall has got Sex and The City fans all a-flutter once again today by hinting that there may well be a third movie. The trailer for the second film was released last week (and you can view it here), and with all the hype surrounding it there’s probably never been a better to stir up some rumours. That cunning minx.

  • Lizzy T in online engagement denial

    Take back that John Lewis gift card and cancel that suit-fitting. Despite strong rumours to the contrary last week, marriage-addict Dame Elizabeth Taylor has denied that she is to wed her manager Jason Winters. In equally as shocking news, Taylor, 78, announced her non-engagement via that well known pensioner-friendly website, Twitter. The mind truly boggles.

  • 5 Reasons Why James Bond Is A Chump

    James Bond, agent of Her Majesty’s Secret Service, is a hero and inspirational figure, right? WRONG! If he was real, James Bond would be the worst human being who ever lived; Adolf Hitler had more moral fibre than this womanising drunk. With James Bond Ian Fleming created a monster, not a role model, and here’s why.

  • Whip It

    Whip It is to feminism what GPS systems are to driving: a voice confidently telling you you’re on the right road, whilst you can’t help but stare around wildly, wondering where the hell you are. Sexy, grubby and exciting to watch, Whip It is certainly a cut above your average chick-flick and we’re happy to roll their way, though we’re not totally sure where they’re taking us.

  • Human Traffic

    Considered by many to be the last great British film of the ’90s, Human Traffic is an endearingly honest depiction of a weekend in the lives of five pill-popping twentysomethings. Credited with launching the careers of John Simm (Life on Mars) and much-maligned ‘mockney’ Danny Dyer, Human Traffic manages to capture the zeitgeist of the rave scene to perfection.