Articles Posted by the Author

  • Our Family Wedding

    Weddings! Weddings weddings weddings. Everybody loves weddings and all films are about weddings these days aren’t they? It really feels like that’s the case. Take wedding themed film Our Family Wedding, for instance. Weddings everywhere! Only, why is there a goat running around eating Viagra and trying to rape people? And why are all the Mexican people so deeply, deeply racist? And why is Forest Whitaker in this film? So many questions! And by questions we mean weddings.

  • Seven Psychopaths

    Bursting with humour, poignancy and a good healthy splash of blood, Martin McDonagh’s follow-up to In Bruges is a crazed masterpiece featuring standout performances from its leads. In many ways a barmier, bloodier companion piece to Charlie Kaufman’s Adaptation, Seven Psychopaths is on one hand an intricately worked out, highly self-referential film that’s all about the creative process. On the other hand, it’s an excuse for a ragtag band of brilliant characters to stand around saying funny things to one another. And really, what more could you want?

  • Safety Not Guaranteed

    This sweet little indie comedy, directed by newcomer Colin Trevorrow, is a rather slight but occasionally poignant film that has some interesting things to say about life, love and loss. But in never quite committing to its central concept, and thus squandering its true potential, Safety Not Guaranteed falls somewhat short of the mark.